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Europa B Evo is a latest generation of autoclave, with several new features compared to the previous Europa BXP model.


-The new control panel with its blue display is very modern and striking.
-A real innovation is the new recharging attachment inserted flush to the front of the autoclave front panel.

A study of operator needs and legal requirements had led Tecno-GAz Sp.A.’s Research and Development office to design a biological incubator managed directly from the autoclave which is independent as it also works when the autoclave is switched off.
Biological Tests are the basis on which the autoclave’s worth can be measured against current regulations and with this Tecno-Gaz S.p.A. has taken a great step into the future.

Europa B Evo is a last generation autoclave, developped with the collaboration of the research office Tecno-Gaz and with other external important structures of development. Europa B Evo is essential in all medical and dental structures and in every fi eld where it is necessary to have safe sterilization for all materials: hollow, porous, solid, free and enveloped. A necessary device in order to assure the utmost preservation for operator and patient and an absolute operative serenity. Europa B Evo is the continuity of a success that Tecno-Gaz is obtaining for many years, and, in fact, thousand of professional people use Tecno-Gaz autoclaves with great satisfaction.

Europa B Evo features

Treated circular chamber made of AISI 304 stainless steel

-Maximum load per cycle 5 kg.
-3 safety devices on the door: electromagnetic, electrical, dynamic
-Controls card installed in the board
-Graphic display
-Automatic barometric alignment system
-Pump-operated water filling system with automatic stop when the tank is full
-Door seal to ensure maximum duration
-Rear board with prefittings and automatic water filling and discharge
-Forced ventilation system incorporated in the equipment
-Protected tray holder to safeguard against contact between load and -chamber

The P.I.D. system

The main commitment of a company like Tecno-Gazis to manufacture products with unique features, distinguishing traits and concepts that ensure maximum reliability and safety to the user.
Our research offices, together with support and assistance of external institutions have devised an extraordinary system that has been applied for the fi rst time to our autoclaves. This innovative device is called P.I.D.
P.I.D. means Proportional Integral Derivate and represents the apex of closed loop controls. The structure of this technologically advanced control is simple and flexible. P.I.D. ensures a constant control and monitoring of the whole operating system of the autoclave, acting automatically in case of anomalies or incorrect values in technical and electronic parameters.
This device behaves like a “real technician” with real-time diagnostic and intervention capability.
This solution reduces anomalies and warnings, granting maximum reliability and minimising the machine inactivity times (if any).


Class B autoclaves

There are many different models of autoclaves with different features and peculiarities. Each medical structure or surgery shall be equipped with last generation sterilization devices suitable for its specifi c needing and according to the materials that need to be sterilized. The EN 13060 have accurately set out the classifi cation of loads and have clarifi ed that the below mentioned materials represent class B loads:

Porous bodies
Porous bodies are simple or compound materials that can soak up fluids(tissues, gowns, surgical gauzes, dressing, etc….).

Hollow bodies
Hollow bodies are materials or devices with cavities, obstructions, etc… These bodies are divided in two classes which are defined precisely trough an accurate description of the relation between lengths and diameter. You can find below some general concept for reference:

Tybe B: cannulas, tubes or devices with large passages
Type A: turbines, hand pieces and devices with blind or little holes.
Having said that, it’s clear that in all structures where above mentioned materials are used should choose a cutting-edge technology autoclave, that can grant a safe sterilization of class B loads. Tecno-Gaz Spa produces a wide range of autoclaves that grant a correct sterilization of materials, especially type B loads.

Europa B Evo is an autoclave provided fractional vacuum system and with a number of devices.
Autoclaves that guarantee a safe sterilization

Costantly monitored cycles
The autoclaves Europa B Evo – Europa B Evo 24 are equipped with a device used to constantly control and monitor the sterilization cycles. Any anomaly or uncommon feature is quickly detected and, if it jeopardises the sterilization cycles, immediately blocked. The operator is then warned of the anomaly by a message.

Pre-set cycles, not manipulable
All cycles are factory pre-set and all of them guarantees a perfect and safe sterilization of treated materials. There is no way in which the operator can manipulate or alter the cycles and this prevents all risks of human error.

All cycles ensure sterilization of B-type loads
All the sterilization cycles feature the fractional vacuum system as well as controls and parameters that ensure sterilization of B-type loads. Therefore, even if the type of cycle chosen is incorrect the sterilization carried out on the material will be equally adequate.

Ergonomic structure and ease of use
The sterilization cycle is chosen by pushing one button and activated by pushing another button.
It impossible to make mistake or to choose a cycle that provides inadequate sterilization, all operational errors are notifi ed by error messages.
The autoclave can be used by more than one person without risking to cause problems or damages.
Tecno-Gaz wanted to provide maximum operation safety even on this important issue.

Sterilization process

The sterilization process consists of several different steps. Tecno-Gaz has adopted leading-edge technology concepts and devices in each step.

Vacuum: this is the fi rst step of the cycle and it is essential for a correct sterilization. We provide an excellent result by using a very high quality pump that makes it possible to remove air pockets also in hollow and porous bodies.
Preheating: this is the step where the sterilization cycle parameters, temperature and pressure, are set. We use a preheating system with a custom- design heating element designed to reduce the duration of this step.
Exposure time: during this phase all the micro-organisms are eliminated. Pressure, temperature and time shall be perfectly monitored. We can rely upon a double-probe, microprocessor-controlled system controlled by P.I.D.
Drying: this is the last, important step in the sterilization cycle. Perfect drying ensures that the instruments maintain their sterility. Tecno-Gaz adopts a vacuum + heat combined system that ensures perfect drying of sterilized materials, both open and those sealed in the bags.

The importance of vacuum

Why vacuum?
After the autoclave has been fully loaded and the door has been closed, some air will be caught inside the autoclave. This air, due to its physical elasticity is completely different from the steam produced by the cycle and does not integrate with it. This means that the “air bubbles” or “pockets” will remain “cold” (i.e. their temperature will not change) and they actually can endanger the safe, correct sterilisation of the treated materials. It is important to devise a system to expel these air bubbles.

The vacuum production systems
There are many ways to produce vacuum in autoclaves. The most technologically advanced and safe way to achieve a correct sterilization on all materials, including porous and hollow ones is fractional vacuum.

Fractional vacuum
Europa B Evo And Europa B Evo 24 are all equipped with a fractional vacuum system. This system alternates negative pressure (vacuum) phases with positive pressure phases. The system is activated at the beginning of all sterilisation cycles. This method is the most technologically advanced system to produce vacuum and ensures the complete elimination of air pockets in all types of materials.

Sterilization cycles

Preset temperatures
The preset temperatures used in our autoclaves’ cycles are 134°C and 121°C. 134°C cycles are normally used for sterilization of solid and ferrous materials. 121°C cycles are normally used for sterilization of thermoplastic and delicate materials. In sterilizing materials, always follow the recommendations of the device manufacturer.

Ease of use
Choosing and selecting a sterilization cycle on Tecno-Gaz autoclaves is extremely simple and intuitive. One of the buttons makes it possible to scroll and view data about all sterilization cycles on the display, thus allowing You to fi nd the cycle that suits your materials best, then You will only have to push another button to automatically start the whole sterilization cycle without having to worry about anything. In case of any error or warning a series of messages and LEDs will attract your attention to the problem.

Fully automatic cycles
All cycles are fully automatic, with all steps managed by the leading-edge computer board with a powerful microprocessor. Each step (vacuum, preheating, exposure time, drying) is automatically monitored, assisted and handled. There is no need for human intervention in cycle management.

Wide choice of operation cycles
The Europa B Evo and Europa B Evo autoclaves are equipped with:
1 sterilization cycle, temperature 134°C for free or packed materials. 1 sterilization cycle, temperature 121°C for free or packed materials. 1 “flash” cycle for quick sterilization cycles.
1 “prion” cycle especially designed for Cruetzenfeld & Jacobs disease.

Cycles without operator intervention and with auto-shutdown
All sterilization cycles have an automatic function that, if the operator is not by the machine when the cycle ends, will trigger an anti-condensation process and auto-shutdown operation. This system makes it possible to economize and increase safety of the device.

Test cycles
Our autoclaves are equipped with test cycles for periodic control of the device by means of physical and functional tests.
Helix test to evaluate vacuum capability in porous bodies.
Bowie & dick test to evaluate vacuum capability in hollow bodies.
Vacuum test to evaluate vacuum retaining capability.

Operators safety

Safety on the door
We have applied three safety devices on the autoclave door:
The first device is a mechanic and electro-magnetic one: it triggers when the sterilization cycle begins and completely blocks the door opening. This device can be removed at the end of the cycle by pushing the device-unlocking button, but only if positive pressure is near zero.
The second device is an electrical one: it triggers automatically when an attempt to force the door open is detected.
The third device is a dynamic one: the door gasket has been built with a new design concept that does not allow opening of the door if there is pressure within the chamber.

Safety devices in place
Certified safety valve
T-ped on sterilization chambers.
Insulation of the chamber with certifi ed ceramic material.

Flexible autoclaves
The first goal for a company like us is to produce “flexible” devices to suit the needs of all operators, to facilitate the machine operation and to allow saving of time and money. During project development our technicians’ top priority is therefore to devise new technical concepts and solutions that may grant our products flexibility, which is of the utmost importance. Autoclaves Europa B Evo and Europa B Evo can rely upon a number of solutions that make it possible for the operator to pre-set the autoclave according to his/her operating requirements.

Loading water tanks: set the autoclaves according to your needs
You can choose how to pre-set Your autoclave.
The Europa B Evo autoclaves is provided ready for:
working autonomously, using water in the inner tanks and operating loading and manual unloading of pure and used water.
be connected directly to the water supply network by using the (Pura model), thus allowing You to have automatic water supply and discharge without losing any time in manual operations.

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