DEL MEDICAL Overhead Tube Crane Systems

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Thes systems are designed for the busy practice or hospital radiology department  this system can be fitted with a range of generator options and DR systems to create the right system for the application.

All systems include ATX Project management from pre-planning to commissioning and compliance testing, Installation and a range of support options tailored to your practice requirements.

Key Features of the Del Medical OTC range include:

  • Touch screen display for SID and angulation – for easy setup
  • Telescoping arm allows for small focus-to-ceiling distance – for higher resolution spot shots
  • Electromagnetic brake for telescopic lift and transverse track – precise positioning
  • Available with manual or automatic collimator with vertical tracking capability
  • Elevating table with up to 360kg patient load capacity
  • Slender design wall stand with electric “Fail Safe” lock

CPI generators available with these systems include:

  Indico IQ

Indico IQ® is an advanced high frequency X-ray generator designed for all diagnostic X-ray applications including radiography, fluoroscopy, and interventional procedures. An enhanced set of hardware and software features provides faster communication and more reliable operation reducing dose and improving image quality, together with customized interfaces for many types of X-ray systems and components.


he CMP 200® generator series offers advanced high quality radiographic capabilities with unmatched performance and reliability resulting in the lowest cost of ownership over the product lifetime. This generator is suitable for film and CR-based radiographic systems and features leading edge computer-based controls to minimize patient dose and maximize image quality while demonstrating excellent reproducibility with user-friendly operator controls.


Pricing is indicitative only.  For a firm quotation please call, email, chat with us.

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Additional Information

Bucky Option

Vertical Tracking, No Tracking, Value Package


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