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Technical Specifications
Mode of Operation
Operating the QUART nonius is easy and straight-forward:
1. Connect the device via USB to a Laptop or Tablet PC (Windows OS required).
2. Position the head unit at the respective position.
3. Use light field or a reference point for alignment.
4. Trigger the QA/QC exposure.
5. Immediately evaluate the results.
- Accuracy / Resolution: +/- 0.1 mm
- Exposure Threshold: Dose = 200 µGy / Dose Rate = 20 µGy/s
- Minimum Exposure: Variable; depends on application
- Measurement Method: Open measurement – w/o added filtration
- Connectivity: Standard USB (2.0)
- Plug and Play Component
- System Requirements: Pentium III, 128 Mb RAM, min. 1x USB
- Operating System: Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
- Sensor Area: 40 mm Length
- Radiopaque center marker (Visible in test exposure)
- Weight: 190 g (without USB Cable)
- Size of Head Unit: 55 x 75 x 15 mm (W x L x H)
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