
BEEKLEY AccuGrid®300 4.65″

Original price was: $562.00.Current price is: $281.00. excluding GST

AccuGrid® Specimen Localizing Grid System 300

Ref: 300, (QTY: 12 / box)
  • 4.65″ radiolucent grid inside a sealable surgical bag
  • for the safe imaging, transport, and processing of surgical breast specimens
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AccuGrid® Specimen Localizing Grid System 300

Safely image, transport, and process surgical breast specimens without losing specimen orientation or risking exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

AccuGrid is a sealed localizing grid system for imaging, transporting, and processing surgical breast specimens. A special coating on the grid prevents specimen movement during transport to pathology. Two sets of radiolucent coordinates provide accurate localization without obscuring tissue detail.

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